Sunday, 26 July 2015

The backpacker with a suitcase

Oops! I've been traveling and haven't been blogging. Time to set that straight.

With reference to my earlier post "something's brewing", well indeed something was. I've taken a huge plunge, left my job and cozy life in Goa and will shortly be getting back to the studies in Portugal. Exciting times lay ahead.However,before I do shift base to Portugal I am currently traveling a little bit with my twin brother Karl and his wife Astrid.

We are currently in Brussels and heading to Leuven for a day. Up until now we have covered Brussels, Gent, Bruges,Liege and Maastricht. No prizes for guessing that Bruges has been the most gorgeous city. This fairy-tale like town has it all; canals, cobblestone streets, gardens, parks, windmills, horse carriages, exactly like out of a fairytale. I have no qualms in saying this town ranks way higher than Venice in my book.

After we finish with Belgium,we head to Prague for three days and then onwards to Lisbon. While Astrid and Karl carry their backpacks  I have to lug around two suitcases and honestly I feel like the weirdest backpacker ever!

Oh and I love Belgian fries.